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Octopus is a sea creature. Its name is derived from the Greek word which means eight feet and it lives in every ocean of the world,
so let's read some interesting facts related to Octopus which you hardly know before.

When a sea creature attacks the Ocean Creature octopus and grabs his arm, the octopus breaks his arm and runs away. The broken arm of the Octopus Octopus returns.
Octopus also change its color to avoid a predator.
It also consumes its companions when they are hungry.
The octopus also devours its arm when it is hungry.

Their color and size are determined by their environment. The octopus living in cold water will be much larger than those in tropical (warm) water.

1. There are more than 300 species of Octopus in the world.

2. Do you know? - The color of the blood of the octopus is blue.

3. Unknown Facts - Octopus has 3 hearts.

4. Octopus is eaten alive in North Korea and South Korea.

6. Octopus does not have 8 hands or 8 legs, in fact, it has 6 hands and 2 legs.

7. If Octopus are very hungry, then they eat their own arms due to hunger.

8. Octopus has a long lifespan. It survives at least 6 months and up to 5 years.

9. It is amazing that even after Octopus's arm is cut, his arm comes back again.

10. The great quality of Octopus is that it can also kill some species of Shark

11. Some species of Octopus are very poisonous and one bite can cause death to a human.

12. The name of the largest octopus in the world is Giant Pacific Octopus.

13. You might be surprised to know that Octopus has 9 brains.

14. The smallest octopus name in the world is Wolfi Octopus.

15. Do you know? The octopus has 3 hearts.

16. A baby octopus is the size of a flea when it is born.

17. Octopus facts in Hindi-octopus ke rokhak tathya aur jankari

18. The oldest octopus fossil is 296 million years old.

19. There are 300 species of octopus in the sea, which are found in the depths of the sea from the sea level, they come from one end of the sea to the other in search of food every day.

18. Octopus is different; different types of Vulgaris are found an octopus. Whose length is 12-36 inches and weight is 3-10 kg

19. In 1957, a huge octopus was discovered in southern Canada. Which weighed 272 kg and arms 9.6 meters long.

20. Fishermen like to cut off the tip of an octopus’ arm and use it for halibut bait because it continues to wiggle even after being cut off.

21. Octopus frequently lose an arm to predators, but they grow back.

22. Giant Pacific Octopus are cannibals. They will happily kill and eat smaller octopus.

23 All species of octopus have venom. The venom of the Giant Pacific Octopus is not dangerous to humans, but Australia’s blue-ringed octopus is known as one of the most poisonous marine animals—its venom is deadly to humans.